Mar 21, 2012

ALLFEST : Website application submitted at Bristish Council Hackathon

Aight ... Gbenga Sesan posted on his facebook wall of an event organized by the British Council that would accommodate Web Graphic Artist, Web Developers, Festival Organizers and Business Leads to come together to execute a project. I totally looked forward to it. I Applied and got selected. The event started of last Friday and to say the truth, I was really impressed with the outcome of the event; not only did it afford 'geeks' to think hard, but it served as an avenue to see how hard people worked and put ones skills into check if it was time to upgrade OR change discipline. I was drafted to Group 2 that had 2 web developers, 2 business leads and a festival organizer. Consensus had it that we develop a portal that allowed local festivals get more noticed by developing tools on that site that would encourage that. If i thought i worked hard, that school of thought shifted - other guys in my team were moreorless, FREAKS! I played my part in coming up with interfaces and aesthetics to give our group an advantage - but we lost!


School Admission Form said...

Hello Friends.........

Great information.Thanks for sharing this useful information with all of us.Keep sharing more in the future.

Have a nice time ahead.


heryour said...

You didn't lose joor. I root for you anytime anyday