May 20, 2010

Say hello to a typical designers life!

Believe it or not, if you are starting out as a young, aspiring, full-of-energy graphic artist, this kind of life looks like a fulfiling one - cos making the client happy is achieved (even at your detriment). As one who have groomed well in this field, I can tell you that it aint so rosy. I have done some jobs I'm not particularly proud of as a result of the client playing the role of the playing a huge role in wrecking plans you have for them. Don't get me wrong in confusing the fact that I don't allow client communicate their own idea but I think there is a juncture where the clients contribution pauses and the designer takes over.

ANd to now think that ... Hold on ... I have a call from such client.



Unknown said...

nice one!!! i think a detailed user requirement doc at d beginnin' will easy the process...


HI Dammie,

trust me ... I haven't come across a veteran who have come across a solution yet.

Olu Filani said...

You captured some typical experiences I have had myself. But then, you should have been strong enough and consultative (make sure the client still listens to you) just before the the design head down the toilet...

p.s: I love it!!